Letter to a new friend

Hello Janis

After reading your initial post it seems clear to me that you are experiencing the effects of your own personal awakening. I would expect that all Indigos go though similar experiences, although each Indigos’ awakening will be unique. During my initial awakening, (many, many moons ago) I too experienced moments of mind blowing euphoria and then moments of complete and utter despair as I processed the dropping of my old fragmented and limiting persona and began the slow and painstaking processes of adopting a new, expanded and more complete identity. This is not an easy processes but is one that will inevitably set you free.

Many of the people I took this journey with were sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, some within family structures, some with no biological family ties what-so ever. All of us were in some sort of relationship and usually within this family structure we were the only individuals on this awakening path. Whatever situation we found ourselves in, one thing was certain. This was an individual journey and many of our family members surrounding us, during these initial stages just simply could not understand what we were going through. It is good that you at least found this group (there are many more out there) that you can at least ask for guidance or just to talk with someone. At some point on your path you will not need this assistance as you continue to press forward within the processes of redefining who and what you are. You will eventually create this new Identity from your very own experiences that life and your heartfelt searching will simply bring to you. My Elder would often tell me “Goha, do not be afraid to make many mistakes on your path for each Mis-take will simply lead you to making different choices”. I am better at easing up on myself but even after 30 years I still find myself yearning for perfection. We are all perfect, right now, in our own imperfections…

The hard part with this initial awakening processes was recognizing when a particular relationship no longer provided any further value to us. Some left their husbands, some left families that simply could not understand what they were going though. Many thought we had joined some cult and would meet our own destruction at the end of a grape flavored Kool Aid drink. In each instance when one of us met this unavoidable nexus point – Should I stay and continue to spiritually unfold within my current relationship or should I leave family members behind in my journey towards discovering my Soul Identity – when the decision was to made to stay within the family structure and still try to move forward on their journeys then their journey was cut short for they placed other family members before their own spiritual fulfillment. They eventually became resentful towards the family members they stayed with and unfortunately played the guilt-ridden game of “what if…?”

Another saying my Elder would often tell me was “Goha, never, ever let anyone stand between you and the sun”. There were some who took this advise and left husbands some left wives. Some left whole family members behind in their forward moving search for this new identity they new in their gut they would someday become. It takes a very special type of person to do this; one with an unusual amount of courage. Many will not have the ability to overcome the fear of which at times literally seems like “losing ones mind” for that is very much what we experienced when we awakened on our Spiritual Paths. As Neal Donald Walsh puts it you have to be “out of your mind’ literally in order for you to be able to see the Devine Truth. For those who do have this courage the rewards are uncountable. A silver lining here in some cases was that moving away from destructive relationships provided the needed understandings where further down the road, they managed to heal these relationships. Nothing is ever lost forever.

I get so excited when you talk of your explorations with such passion. Going Vegan, Reading EVERYTHING, Judging nothing, Allowing everything to have its place, is all part of the processes.

So many people say “follow the heart” and yet so many people rarely do. Its as if they are simply mouthing the words they have heard that sounded good but without understanding just what this means. Beloved, if it was easy mankind would have ascended long ago. It is not easy to trust the heart for it will always seem diametrically opposed to what your ego with its mind child games would have you believe. Trust what comes to you in mediation or in moments of pensive thoughtfulness, for these are the whisperings of your true Self, your Christ Consciousness if you will. It was once asked what exactly is this Christ Consciousness. This is the response that made sense to me; The separated self or the ego does not learn. Even when the ego has taken many courses and received many teachings, the ego has not learned but has merely become threatened. If the ego cannot learn and your All Knowing Spirit does not need to learn what It already knows, then for whom are all the self help courses really for? They are for the Still Small Voice that you hear whispering in your ear in your silent, still moments. It is the stirring of your heart at the sight of a kitten reaching out to you for love. What is this part of you that with ever growing passion, yearns to learn? This is the Christ Consciousness within you. In the beginning It’s voice is small and frail, easily overcome by a frightened ego but with consistent, persistent practice you will strengthen this “still small voice” your Christ Consciousness and eventually it will drown out the raging objections of the ego. More and more you will have moments of peace effectively rendered by your Christ Consciousness.

Some have mentioned meditation as a means of grounding. This can be very good for some people. Stilling the mind can lead to the still small voice but for me when I was having these moments of great confusion, meditating, I believed at the time, was simply not possible when thoughts raced thought my mind with the force of an avalanche. What eventually lead me to this inner peace of mind where I could make my choices from love and not from fear was Breath Therapy or what I call Chakra Breathing. Many have used another form of breath work called Rebirthing. Always the idea is to massively oxygenate the physical body. Usually these sessions take anywhere from and hour to and hour and a half. You may want to find a breather worker where you live if you choose to go down this road.

Your dreams are very important. One of the tricks my Elder taught us when trying to interpret dreams is understanding that everything in the dream is you. The monkey is you, the giraffe is you as well as the elephant. You are correct that water symbolizes emotion, so now the trick is in understanding what the animal elements in your dream represent. So my question to you is: What does the Monkey mean to you? When you think of a giraffe, what does it mean to you? What does the elephant mean to you for they are all extensions of how you see yourself. That there is a part of you that is dealing with this flood, this emotional tsunami, is easily recognized when you look at what is currently happing in your life. That you see yourself as Savior seems to be a cry from yourself to yourself in recognition of the fact that you truly are magnificent, a divine child of God. That it is time for you to believe in this magnificence and that you are truly worthy of receiving the love you so want to give.

If kittens grow up to cats, and puppies grow up to be dogs, what do children of God grow up to be?

What you give you will receive in truth. What you do not receive is a measure of what you withhold from others.

In your heart, you have all that you need.


aka ‘Goha’

2012, Ascension and ET’s: What’s this all about anyway!

DECEMBER 12, 2012

A simple date, but  a date that is gaining a great deal of attention these days. Will this date bring on the end of the world? Or will we see a new beginning; the end of one chapter in the story of the Human Race and the beginning of a new one. I, and many others prefer to see it as Grandmother Pa’Ris’ha recently put it. “The world is not ending, it is transforming!” Many Mayan Elders also see it this way with the completion of a very long cycle and the start of a new one, thus an ending of their calendars long count which will occur on this date.

With movies like “2012” and TV programs focusing on negative end of day prophesies like those of Nostrodamus and even the Bibles’ Book of Revelations and its’ depiction of the destruction of earth and its people in the final battle of armageddon, increasing numbers of people everywhere have heard of this date and are awaiting its arrival with far too much trepidation. This to me is so unfortunate for this date is intimately tied to the natural evolution of our planet and all life on her. This evolutionary moment is called the time of Ascension. It is something we humans have been waiting for, for a very, very long time. It is none other than the completion of a promise to rescue the lost souls of Tara that have been trapped in this 1st Harmonic Universe (what we here refer to as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions) for over 550 million years. The historical event which lead us to this entrapment has come to be known as the “fall of man”.


Some believe ascension is simply something fancy-full, only to be found in the entertaining realm of science fiction or fantasy novels and not something to be considered seriously. Other use the term when referring to the attainment of lofty positions of power as in kings or pharos ascending to the throne. It is all these but it is also so much more. There is a science to ascension. A science that is currently not acknowledge by our scientists of today. Not yet anyway. It is a science with specific mechanics that allow for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms. A science that follows a path of order where-by consciousness itself evolves naturally through a structured multi dimensional system.

Now. Within this event called ascension, certain planetary physics must be met before the ascension process can occur. A Stellar Activation Cycle or “SAC” must occur before certain passage ways can be opened. These  original primary “passage ways” are called the Amenti Star Gates of which there are twelve on the surface of our planet. The Amenti Star Gates are scheduled to open on or about this infamous date of December 21, 2012 and will remain open for a cycle of 10 years from 2012 to 2022. During this 10 year cycle, ascension becomes available to the masses whose DNA has been activated high enough to allow for star gate transit.


The Pleiades Star system with Alcyone, the central star seen as the largest star in the center.

There is a considerable amount of information regarding the mechanics of ascension and how the blending of dimensions occurs involving Earths movement into alignment with her 5th dimensional counter part Tara. Some of which I will explore in future blogs.

Ascension becomes available to the masses only once every 26,556 years. A 26,556 year cycle is called a Euiago cycle which is the number of years our sun takes to complete one orbit around its’ central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiadian star system.

Our earth has not seen a “SAC” in over 8 Euiago cycles or for more than 210,216 years. In fact, as the 3rd seeding of the human angelic race on our planet only began approximately 75,000 years ago, you could say that this is the first time our human race will experience an actual ascension cycle!


Extra Terrestrials or ETs have been with us every inch of the way. There are many Extra Terrestrial races that have always respected and embraced the divine heritage and mission of the Angelic Human species and have been acting as Guardians though out our long mission of re-claiming our angelic heritage which was lost in that ancient event called the “fall of man”. Our planet with its abnormal 23.5 degree tilt to the solar ecliptic plane and, in addition to this, our meandering magnetic pole structure would never have allowed a “SAC” to occur as the dimensional frequencies 4 though 9, which must be downsteped through the Sun, and these dimensions’ accompanying Stellar Wave Infusions would never have lined up properly with our planets’ tiled star gate system. Our guardian friends have done much to assist us in increasing our planets merkaba spin ratio, seen by some as the recent increase in our planets “Schumann Resonance”. They have been very active in redirecting these energies and the accompanying stellar wave infusions so that a stellar activation cycle could finally begin in January 2,000 and once begun, maintain the balance of our planetary shields during the “SAC” in order to prevent pole shift from occurring. Without our benevolent ET brethren we would never have made it this far. The “SAC” would never have begun and the human race would have been sentenced to yet another Euiago cycle; trapped in the 3rd dimension within the 1st Harmonic Universe for another 26,556 years.

So we have much to be thankful for with our ET friends for they have assisted us behind the scenes in helping to preparing our species and our beloved planet  for this glorious opportunity to once and for all time, heal what was broken so long ago.

Much of this material has been taken from a vast and growing body of knowledge called the Freedom Teachings as scribed by Ashayan Deane through the Guardian Alliance. And although these teachings are currently considered theoretical in nature, a thorough studying of this material just might convince you otherwise…


December 17, 2010